Since 1922
169 Graham Street
VIC 3995

Opening Hours

MON to FRI- 8:30am - 6:30pm

SATURDAY - 8:30am - 1:30pm

SUNDAY - 9:00am - 1:00pm

By Kerry Walker September 23, 2021
Wonthaggi Miners Dispensary's AGM is open to all members who wish to attend. Please contact us using the above details if you have any questions or wish to attend the meeting.
By Kerry Walker March 11, 2020
Who is at risk? Travelled or transited through Iran, mainland China or South Korea • Anyone who has been in Iran, mainland China or South Korea in the past 14 days or is a close or casual contact of a confirmed case of COVID-19 is at the highest risk of infection. • If you have been in Iran, mainland China (excluding Hong Kong SAR, Macau and Taiwan) or South Korea in the past 14 days you are advised to: o stay at home (self-quarantine) o avoid public settings - this means you should not attend work, school, childcare or university or go to other public places such as restaurants, cinemas or shopping centres and should not use public transport or taxis o do this for 14 days after leaving mainland China, South Korea or Iran (other than when seeking medical care) o only people who usually live in the household should be in the home. Do not allow visitors into the home. o you should stay in a different room to other people as much as possible. Had close contact with a confirmed case • If you have been in close contact with someone who has coronavirus disease (COVID-19) stay at home (self-quarantine). Travelled Internationally The situation is evolving rapidly as we find out more about this disease. Increasing numbers of countries are reporting cases with rapid increases in many places. As such travellers returning from any country outside Australia are now considered at risk of COVID-19. At this stage, only returning travellers from Iran, South Korea and China should self- isolate. If you are arriving in Australia from Italy, you must present for health screening at the border as directed. Unless you are instructed to, you do not need to isolate at home. If you have returned from international travel in the last 14 days and begin to feel unwell and develop a fever or shortness of breath, a cough or respiratory illness, you should call the dedicated hotline on 1800 675 398 for advice. Elderly or have pre-existing medical conditions Many people will suffer only mild symptoms; however, early indications are that the elderly and people with pre-existing medical conditions such as heart and lung disease are more at risk of experiencing severe symptoms.
By Kerry Walker January 15, 2020
Impromy - Your personal journey
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